Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School

Foundation Stage 1 -  Nursery

Hello and a big welcome to Foundation Stage 1 from the Nursery team, Mrs Oxby (Teacher) Miss Parnaby (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs McKay (Teaching assistant). Here in Nursery we aim to create a friendly atmosphere where children feel happy, safe and secure and are excited to learn. We provide a stimulating learning environment both inside and outside which gives children the opportunities to be creative and imaginative. We encourage children to be independent learners, making their own decisions and developing their skills across all areas of learning in the foundation stage curriculum. Most of all we want the children to have fun!

Our outdoor classroom is always popular and is fantastic fun! Come rain or shine you’ll find us learning outside, making dens, using the bikes and climbing equipment! The outdoor area is an extension of our classroom. Remember to send your child with warm clothing!


As parents you play a very important role in your child's development. If you have any questions, concerns or queries we are more than happy to answer these, either at the beginning or end of the day or through our effective communication tool Class Dojo.  we will update Dojo regularly so you can see what we have been learning.  


This is what we will be learning throughout the year  - 


Useful Links


The children love to use the interactive whiteboard to learn. Some of their favourite games are:


Alpha blocks and Number blocks are fun programs that help children with their phonics and numbers. These can be found on the cbeebies channel and on the cbeebies website.