Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School

Year 4

A very warm welcome to Year 4.

Y4HL- Mrs Hodson and Mrs Langford

Y4H - Miss Hawcroft 

Mrs Jackson supports in the Y4 classes




Miss HawcroftI have been teaching for over 15 years and have taught pupils in both KS1 and KS2. I am a dedicated and passionate teacher who enjoys developing children's learning inside and outside of the classroom. I love teaching art, science and mathematics and enjoy finding creative ways to make learning fun and hands on.  


Please try to read with your child at least three times a week and record it on the app. This can be the school banded book or a book from home. It is important to check that, as well as becoming more fluent, the children understand what they are reading, especially as they begin to read longer and more complex books. This can be done by discussing the book afterwards, or during reading. Talk about the characters, setting or main events. Encourage children to develop empathy by focusing on characters' emotions and motivations and summarising the pages they have just read.

It is important that your child has their reading book in school every day so that adults within school can also record in them. 

We encourage a love for reading and aim for our children to be lifelong readers. The children are encouraged to read and enjoy the books in our book area within the school day. Children are welcome to bring their own reading book from home as long as it is of an appropriate level for them to read and enjoy independently. Children will be able to change their reading books to take home each morning during our Early Bird sessions. Please encourage your child to do this independently.


Times Tables

As part of the Maths curriculum, children are expected to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Y4. As such, all children nationally are tested on their times table knowledge at the end of Y4. This is known as the 'Multiplication Tables Check'. Please encourage your children to practise their times tables at home. This can be done lots of different ways, such as writing them out, reciting them out loud and playing online games. All children have a login for TT Rockstars, a website school subscribe to for children to learn maths facts. Please speak to your child's teacher if they can't find their login. Please click here for a leaflet which has more information on the times tables test for parents and carers. 


 Home Learning

Home learning is set  each half term. At the beginning of each topic, you will be given a knowledge organiser which will have key facts and vocabulary to help them with the learning activities and learning within school. You will also be given a home learning menu of activities to complete at home. These are created by the Year 4 team to cover different areas of the curriculum in a fun and engaging way. The children have a copy of the homework menu in their home learning books.

Home learning can be written / stuck into the home learning books, added to your child's portfolio on ClassDojo or emailed to the teacher. 

Knowledge Organiser


The knowledge organisers share key learning, facts and vocabulary from our topic and science this term. The children have been given a copy in their home learning books. Please ask your child's teacher if you need another copy. 


Children to come school in their PE kits. 

Both Y4 classes - Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)

Outdoor kit: red t-shirt/polo shirt, dark jogging bottoms, a hoody if it's chilly and socks and trainers. Long hair must be tied back for PE and earrings removed.


We have Maths Meetings 4 times a week which is a fifteen minute meeting focusing on consolidating key learning.


TTRockstars is a fun away for children consolidate their times tables. Please encourage your child to log in little and often as this will help children become fluent, children will also be given time in class weekly. At the end of Year 4, all children are expected to know and recall  all their times tables facts up to 12 x 12. They will complete the national multiplication tables check in the Summer Term.

Please see the document below to find out the maths facts that we will be covering throughout the year.