Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School

Sports Premium


Click here for 2023/24 evaluation report and 2024/25 action plan.  Evaluation and action plan.

Click here for 2022/23 evaluation report and 2023/24 action plan. Evaluation and action plan.

Sports Premium Overview

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School’s vision statement:

At Travis St Lawrence we believe that PE and sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change pupil’s lives for the better.

We have welcomed the Government’s announcement to provide additional funding to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. We are fully committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside improved opportunities for sporting competitions for all our young people.

Through PE and sport our children learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, teamwork and ambition. These all lead, in turn, to improved concentration, attitude and academic achievement.


What does the sport premium mean for my school?

“Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have the freedom to choose how they do this” Dfe June 2013.


Nature of Support

 High Quality Physical Education: Raising standards of all our children in Physical Education

  • Specialist support from qualified PE teachers or qualified sports. coaches working with primary teachers to achieve high quality teaching and learning in lessons.
  • Continuing Professional Development opportunities for teachers in national and bespoke programmes in PE and Sport.
  • Professional quality assured teaching modules and materials for PE and Sport.
  • Affiliation to National and Local PE organisations.
  • Lesson observations, benchmarking and coaching support through PE Consultants.


Competitive School Sport: Increasing pupils’ participation in extra-curricular sport

  • Inclusive competitive opportunities.
  • Support with intra and inter school competition co-ordination and delivery.
  • Organised competitions at local/district level.
  • Delivery of virtual competitions.


Healthy Active Lifestyles: Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise

  • School based programmes and intervention strategies
  • Playground Games Makers and Mini Leaders training to enable active lunchtime provision.


Self- Review and Quality Assurance: Measuring the impact of the funding

  • Monitoring of pupil progress through assessment in lessons.
  • Quality Assurance Mark- online tool for development and self-assessment.

School Games Mark support- monitoring competitive school sport.


Travis St Lawrence C of E Y6 Swimming Data 2019-2020

Percentage of children who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres


Percentage of children who can use a range of strokes effectively

Percentage of children who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations







75 %

Travis St Lawrence C of E Y6 Swimming Data 2020 - 2021


